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Most women, especially moms, seem to be on a never-ending cycle of fatigue, stress, and potential burnout.  This can be attributed to a combination of physical, emotional, and societal factors.

Try to plan a meet-up for any reason, and watch her pull out her planner or digital calendar and you'll likely see a masterpiece: a system so complex that, all the things crammed into all the days, will overwhelm your eyes, brain, and senses!

Why is it becoming more and more commonplace for women to suffer from so much exhaustion? We've looked at some studies to find the top 10 reasons why:

1. Role Overload: Many women juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, such as being a caregiver, partner, parent, and professional. The demands of balancing these roles can often lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

2. Motherhood: The demands of pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for young children can be physically and emotionally draining. Sleep disturbances due to nighttime feedings, frequent waking, and the challenges of parenting can contribute to exhaustion.

3. Mental Load: Women often carry a significant mental load, which includes managing household responsibilities, scheduling, and emotional labor. This mental load can lead to increased stress and exhaustion.

4. Workplace Stress: Women may experience workplace stress and challenges related to career advancement. Balancing work responsibilities with family and personal life can contribute to burnout.

5. Emotional & Mental Well-being: Women may experience higher levels of emotional labor, taking on the responsibility of managing emotions and relationships within their families and social circles. Women are more likely to experience conditions like anxiety and depression, which can impact energy levels and overall well-being.

6. Societal Expectations: Societal expectations and cultural norms can put pressure on women to meet certain standards of appearance, behavior, and achievement. This pressure can lead to stress and exhaustion.

7. Hormonal Changes: Women's bodies go through hormonal fluctuations during different seasons of life. These hormonal changes can impact energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. 

8. Lack of Support: A lack of support from partners, family members, and social networks can make it more challenging for women to manage their responsibilities and find time for self-care.

9. Sleep Disruptions: Women may experience sleep disturbances due to hormonal changes, pregnancy discomfort, parenting responsibilities, and other factors, leading to inadequate rest and exhaustion.

10. Chronic Illness and Health Issues: Women may be more prone to certain chronic health conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, and hormonal imbalances, which can contribute to fatigue. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and inadequate sleep, can contribute to fatigue.

These factors make it easy to understand why women tend to be more tired than ever before.  But did you know that the need for rest (Physical) is recognized in Scripture, and provision is made to ensure that people are allowed time for rest? To be at rest spiritually is to find peace with God through Jesus Christ.

Find out more in our 4-Part Sermon Series, "Rest for the Weary" beginning September 10th!

See our first news article in this 4-Part news series here: