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Alyssa Flowers Testimony – 7-2023
Great Commission Church
I was raised in a Christian home with my brother and sisters. We attended a few different churches, and I attended a Christian pre-school. I had been taught the Bible stories and knew of Jesus. Six years ago, we started attending Great Commission Church.
Slowly the “stories” started connecting. I’ve gone to Lake Forest Ranch camp with Great Commission Church for about 5 years. The first time I went, I wanted to have fun and did not really look at Powwow as a Jesus moment.
The second time I went I realized I was there for worship, learning and friendships. I thought I had been saved but that wasn’t the case. God was working on me. He used my parents, friends and church leaders to continue to pull me closer to him.
Last year at LFR camp, we did not have the normal after dark meeting. Instead, the cabins came together and had a quiet time. It was the first time I had allowed my thoughts, mind and body to “be quiet” and give the Holy Spirit my attention. It was during that time that I realized who Jesus really was – my Lord and my Savior – and I found myself trusting in him to truly save me.
I’ve spent the last year learning to be still and listen. I want to follow what the Lord has planned for my life and believe he will guide me with his infinite love and grace. Because of my faith in the Lord Jesus, I want to be baptized like he said I should.