Welcome back from winter break! Here are the announcements for this week:
- This Sunday Trevor begins a 5-week sermon series titled The Acts of the Apostates, teaching through the book of Jude and answering important questions about what it means to fall away from God, examples of falling away, and how to safeguard from it.
- Next week is First Wednesday and it will be Teams Night at GCC! Dinner is Soup & Sandwiches at 6 pm, and our meeting begins at 6:30. Are you regularly serving on a team at GCC? If so, your team leader should've already contacted you about this. If you're not on a team and would like to find your place to make an impact, mark your ministry card this Sunday and someone will reach out to you!
- Speaking of teams: as part of our building refresh, we're creating a new Volunteer Lounge with lockers for you to store your things, some new lanyards, and a check-in system. You'll hear more about that at Teams Night!
- Ladies, be on the lookout this week for an email about an upcoming Bible study we're starting, and a Women's breakfast on February 8th.
For details about upcoming events or to subscribe to our newsletter, go to gccob.com/events