Expository Preaching
Verse by Verse Bible Teaching

A sermon is expositional if its content and intent are controlled by the content and intent of a particular passage of Scripture. The preacher says what the passage says, and he intends for his sermon to accomplish in his listeners exactly what God is seeking to accomplish through the chosen passage of his Word.

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Making Disciple Makers

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go (as you go) therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. 


As we go throughout our daily lives (at work, at home, at play) we are to foster relationships with the focus of making disciples of Christ. Those disciples then should make disciples repeating the processes until Jesus comes back. 

Meaningful Church Membership
Local Church Centered

We believe that meaningful and enduring fellowship in a local congregation is absolutely essential to the Christian’s life and ministry. Media ministries can never take the place of the local church and its ministers. We are committed not only to congregate but to do so for the purpose of encouraging one another and stimulating one another to love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24-25) Although church discipline is a foundational doctrine in Baptist history, it is now almost non-existent among “contemporary” Baptists. This forgotten and often misunderstood Bible doctrine is still practiced at GCC. We believe that if we truly seek to honor God, and if we truly care for the well-being of His people, we will obey Christ’s commands to practice church discipline. When practiced biblically and compassionately, it is a powerful tool to restore the fallen and to preserve Christ’s honor in the church and the unbelieving world.

The Doctrines of Grace
Salvation is of the Lord alone

Total depravity, unconditional election, definite atonement, effectual calling, and preserving grace. These truths present the triune God as the author of our salvation from beginning to end.  This is to say, salvation is God-determined, God purchased, God applied, and God secured. From start to finish, salvation is of the Lord alone.

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The Gifts of the Spirit
Active and relevant for today

We believe that the Holy Spirit continues to give Jesus' followers all spiritual gifts to encourage believers and save those who do not yet believe.  Great Commission Church is wholly committed to the convergence of both Word and Spirit, not simply as a theological statement but as a way of life and ministry. Our aim in all that we do, whether in corporate assembly, small group gatherings, discipleship, or outreach, is to serve in accordance with the Word of God through the power of the Spirit of God.

Modern Praise Songs Plus the Old Hymns
The focus is on meaningful lyrics not style

Here is an active playlist of our upcoming songs for this Sunday. The focus of our singing is on Jesus not "cool" sounding songs or guitar solos. 


Meeting Real Needs in the Community
We are a ministry, not a charity

We believe the greatest need in our community is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sometimes we need to meet other needs for the opportunity to meet THE need. When we meet needs we usually have a string attached. That string is we want them to attend a church service with us. 

An On-Purpose Children’s Ministry
Not just babysitting

We value the hour every Sunday that we get to spend with the kids of GCC. Our volunteers don't just babysit kids but instill the truth of the Gospel in them.