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 My Testimony Amy Cox – 5-2023 I grew up as a Roman Catholic.  I was misled by my parents who knew no better.  When you don't have Jesus, you can't really point towards Jesus.  As a young lady in the 9th grade, I was falsely taught that I received the Holy Spirit that day.  Obviously, it meant nothing because there was no truth to it.  I was baptized as an infant and was told this was correct. It was not until I was 24 years old, and I attended a Heaven's Gates Hells Flames presentation and God spoke to me about my current spiritual status.  I realized all I had been taught was a facade and a fake religion.  I accepted Jesus as my savior that day and got baptized soon after.  I received condemnation for coming out of the darkness and into the light.  When you receive Jesus and leave your old life behind it should be supported but my family rejected me. I was in an abusive marriage at the time and had no guidance from my husband, so I really was on my own.  I went through a divorce and again my Catholic family turned against me in every way.  Not that I believe divorce is God's plan, but it was an abusive and toxic environment. I later met my husband who follows Jesus and is a true leader for our family.  I now know what it's like to know my sins are forgiven and Satan has lost this battle.  God is good, we are not.  There is only one way to the father and that is through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Never looking back, Amy Cox 


 Joey Cox Testimony – 5-2023 I don't remember a time not being taught about my savior Jesus Christ. I grew up in church; we were there every time the doors were open.  If our church didn't have something going on we were at another church.  Growing up as a Pastors kid Jesus was the always the center of our household.  That being said no matter how much you know about Jesus there comes a time you realize you to have to accept him as your savior and surrender yourself to him.   I remember when I came to terms with this.  I can remember it like it was yesterday.  Jesus said let me in for real and die to yourself forego the selfish and desires of this world and follow him.  I was 12 years old when I received Jesus into my life and life has not been the same since.  Being saved by Christ never meant things would always be easy but I knew that my sin was no longer upon myself but upon Jesus.  I am saved not because of my good deeds but because Jesus paid the ultimate price for me.  My parents visited the holy land that year and brought back numerous suitcases with mason jars full of water from the Jordan River.  I got baptized with that water. Water is water but it is something I will never forget.  There were times in my life that I had unthinkable disasters that were hard to endure but Jesus always carried me.  It's easy to attend a church and listen to feel good sermons but if you have never surrendered yourself to Christ and accepted his salvation then you really have never lived life.  Jesus came not only to save but to give life and life more abundantly. I have a long story about all of this. A journey Jesus has walked me through.  I would love to share it with you.  I'm so happy that I opened the door and let him in.  It completely changed everything.   Joey Cox 


- Great Commission Church