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Rachel Chiles’s Testimony:

I grew up in a Christian home. I was baptized at a young age because I had heard all the Bible stories and knew that Jesus had died on the cross, but that’s all it was. When I went to college and was on my own for the first time, I didn’t attend church or have a relationship with God. I just tried to be “good enough". After college, I strayed even further from God and surrounded myself with non-believers. Trying to lead my own life was making me miserable. God eventually showed me how broken I was and how desperately I needed a savior. God has saved me since then, and I have a new love for Him and a desire to follow His will that I didn’t have before. The reality of what Jesus did for me, dying on the cross as punishment for ALL my sins and coming back to life, has allowed me to find peace in moments I would have tried to control before. God is in control of my life now, and thank goodness, because He is much better at it than I am!


- Great Commission Church