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Homer Horn
I grew up in church and I knew about God but didn't really know him. When I became an adult, my life was filled with hard work and one crisis after another. Several of those situations threatened my life and it is a wonder that I am alive today. During some dark times, I became aware that I needed to humble myself to the Lord Jesus. In 2012, I came to believe that Jesus had died for my sins and I trusted Him – and then I was baptized.
This last year has been a good one for me spiritually and my desire to want to grow in my relationship with the Lord Jesus has greatly increased – and I know He wants me to learn more about Him. 

Kacey Horn
I thought I knew what being “saved” meant, so I was baptized at a young age. I wanted to please my parents and others but afterwards, I went down a steep hill in my life.
In 2018 from April 2018 to July 13th, an event happened that would change my life forever. On July 13th, I read the verse Isaiah 45:7 – “I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster, I am the LORD, do all these things.” He used that verse to cause me to realize the Lord Jesus held my life in His hands – so I turned to Jesus and believed in Him to forgive my sins and help me to follow His will for my life.
Since that time, I have not been baptized as our Lord commands – so I submit myself to Him this morning to be baptized.