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On the first Sunday of every month, Great Commission Church takes time to reflect on how great and generous God is! 

As we learn more about God believers take a journey that we call the giving journey. Here is the progression of questions. 

What Should I Do with My Stuff?

As we navigate life, we accumulate stuff—possessions, resources, and blessings. But what’s our responsibility as followers of Christ? The answer lies in the concept of stewardship.

What Should I Do with God’s Stuff?

  1. Recognize Ownership: The Bible teaches that everything ultimately belongs to God. Psalm 24:1 declares, “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it.” We are stewards, not owners.
  2. Manage Wisely: Just as a steward in ancient times oversaw a household, we manage God’s resources. Joseph, in Genesis 39, exemplified this role—he made wise decisions, avoiding waste.
  3. Prioritize God’s Kingdom: Matthew 6:33 reminds us to seek God’s kingdom first. Our stuff should align with His purposes.

What Would God Have Me to Do with God’s Stuff?

  1. Give Generously: Malachi 3:10 encourages us to bring our tithes and offerings. Consider how God has provided for you and your family. Give back to Him.

What Would God Have Me to Give from What God Has Provided to Me and My Family?

  1. Invest in Eternal Things: Our resources can impact eternity. Support missions, ministries, and those in need. Be intentional about where you sow.

What Would God Have Me to Keep from What God Has Provided?

  1. Contentment: Philippians 4:19 assures us that God will supply our needs. Trust Him. Contentment isn’t found in excess but in sufficiency.
  2. Evaluate: What truly matters? Keep what aligns with God’s purposes. Simplify where needed.

In Summary

Biblical stewardship involves recognizing God’s ownership, faithfully managing His gifts, giving generously, and seeking His guidance. Let’s honor God with our stuff and live as faithful stewards.

Remember, every possession is an opportunity to glorify God.


1st Sunday of each month is Global Offering Sunday. We consecrate all that we are giving to the Lord for the month (treasure, time & talent) It is also an opportunity for our members to encourage each other as we financially support our church together. This offering provides a tangible offering experience for everyone who gives digitally. It also reinforces to our children that they belong to a family who demonstrates faith by generosity. 

We use the word "Global" because we are asking the Lord to maximize our giving to make disciples and start churches all over the world.